Timeframe 1 to 4 weeks
What you'll need:
Ceramic crock or food-grade plastic bucket
Plate that fits inside the crock or bucket
1-gallon/4-liter jug filled with water, or other weight
Cloth cover
3 to 4 pounds/1.5 to 2 kilograms unwaxed cucumbers (small to medium size)
3/8 cup (6 tablespoons)/90 milliliters sea salt
3 to 4 heads fresh flowering dill, or 3 to 4 tablespoons/45 to 60 milliliters of any form of dill (fresh or dried leaf or seeds)
2 to 3 heads of garlic, peeled
1 handful fresh grape, cherry, oak, and/or horseradish leaves (if available)
1 pinch of black peppercorns
More coming up....